Monday, 4 August 2014


Have I ever?
Have I ?

Told myself how beautiful I am?
How great my smile is?
How funny my jokes are?

Have I ever felt like I was truly right? Like there is nothing to deny me and my whole existence?

Have I ever stopped criticizing my curvy and too curvy parts? Have I truly accepted who I am and who I was?

Have I ever forgiven myself for all the mistakes done in the past? Have I truly made peace with my own heart?

Have I?

Said ‘I love you’ to the person in the mirror? And have I ever hugged myself in my thoughts?
How hard can it be for me to break free from all the rules I make up for myself?
How hard can it be to break free?
From everything?

From the too silly and too bad jokes; and too short and too wide girl; with the not so very light skin that they all appreciate so much; with surreal dreams and head up in the sky?
Have I ever?
Have I ever told you how angry I am? How hopeless and how worthless I feel?
 How the society we build and live in makes me want to jump off the limits of life, that society itself imposed?
 How I want to break free from normality?
 To finally embrace my weirdness that all of them so openly like to point out?

Have I ever?
Asked why?

Why all the judgement? Why all the pain? Why all the people against each other? Why all the war? Why all the hunger and thirst? Why all ignorance? Why all of us are not a whole?

Why not acceptance? Why not love? Why not all the people next to each other? Why not the peace? Why not the help? Why not aware? Why not unite?

Have I ever?
Said all the things that I was screaming so loud in my head? Made a change? Did something?

Have I ever?
Tried becoming the person I think I am?
Tried becoming the person my dog thinks I am?
Tried? Anything?

Have YOU ever?
Have YOU?


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