Monday, 4 August 2014


 I do PINTEREST now.

Well I heard about this website a long time ago and to be honest, curiosity never actually pushed me to find out more about it… until a month ago. And if I already started being sincere then I’m going to tell you that I have completely and utterly fallen in love with it.

And with this new and exciting website came the content that blew me off. Now, I have a blog on TUMBLR, but never really used it at its full potential. Maybe I was too lazy or knew too little to be a true TUMBLR blogger, but with PINTEREST, oh, I feel like I just found myself. This might sound very weird to you, but my weirdness is no news. 

Along with the standard “dashboard” that PINTEREST comes with, a lot of different and unexpected categories sort out the content. My top favorite is the ‘Home Décor’ section, which is absolutely gorgeous. Never have I thought that I would appreciate an interior with such great passion. The simplicity of the rooms displayed leave me with a very heart-warming feeling, hoping that someday I will have a house like that.

Being honest all the way, I have to admit that I’ve been thinking that this might be my hidden pleasure – interior design. This is somehow radical coming from me, but in a way, it all makes sense. I’m artistic and I love houses, but I never considered myself the kind of girl to love furniture. I know that I’m not going to become an interior designer, even if it sounds good to me. “The world is not a free market” as my father says. We talked about it. The successful designers are the wives of the constructors…or something like that.

In the end, I haven’t got much except for those beautiful and neat pictures to look at. It is not a future career. It is a pleasure. It is something for me and my future apartment. 


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