I’m going to start with a confession. These past weeks have been very difficult for me.
I’ve been in a trance and now I feel like I’ve been awaken to life. Have you ever felt like you know there is more to the world than what you are experiencing at that moment, but can’t do anything about it? Have you ever felt like the only way out of that cage is to CREATE, to be INSPIRED, to be ARTistic? Well, that has been my problem.
I couldn’t find the inspiration in anything. I was completely lost; not knowing where to start / how to continue. But thanks to some lovely people of the Internet I’ve made it; I escaped my own cage.
Firstly, I discovered ‘Steal Like an Artist’ by Austin Kleon. There are not enough words to say how much that book has helped me nor how much I love it. Here is what he says:
So, no matter what you do or who you are, if you want to become a little more creative, this is for you. I urge you to read it!
Whilst reading the book, I came by a very beautiful video that lifted me up and helped overcome my inability of being inspired. It gave me the strength and the confidence that I needed. So, if you are in the same place that I was 3 days ago, here it is:
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